Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Can you please sign this epetition

The latest EU craziness bans the reuse of jars for honey, jam and chutney etc by bee keepers, the WI and charities etc.  This practice has been going on for centuries and is a good example of practical recycling


We request that the recent EU legislation prohibiting the sale of home made jams, chutneys and preserves in re-used containers be repealed. If this legislation is allowed to stand it will affect the income of thousands of charities and destroy a great British tradition.


  1. I agree Chris, and have signed the petition and included a link to the petition on my blog today.


  2. I would definitely sign however as I am an ex-pat without a UK address am unable to do so.
    Never the less I understand and concur that the EU have once again shown
    themselves up to be CRACKED POTS

  3. I agree, I am also contacting my MEP and the green party MEPs to get them aware of the issue.
